Monday, September 21, 2009


So i did the first week of GLOW for the 2-5 year old. it was great! a lot better than Sunday i really connected with the kids and God moved it was great! What i am learning right now is that you really truly have to lead them. what i mean by that is, is that i have lead doe middle school and up through adults before but now really for kids ever. With the older people you are leading them into worship right but they also no how to connect with God as well and know what worship is and what it means. With kids this is there first experience in worship and learning what it means and is. In leading kids you have to put it in a language they can understand b/c you cant say to a bunch of preschoolers OK guys we are going to start worship and start speaking in church talk cause they wont understand haha. you have to talk about it being a gift ad relate it to there lives. i am being stretched more than i thought i would ever be and its amazing! Along with being stretched i am also being humbled haha a lot. Because having to jump around doing hand motions and singing kid songs is not what i am used to hahaha but i found is so fun! and something else is the songs that i am singing with the kids means the same thing and have the same power and the songs adults do just in a way they can understand! its beautiful to watch the kids worship and i blessed to have this chance to do so. Thank you for everyone's prayers! love to all!

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