Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The wonderful flight

So my flight today was at 10:30 non-rev but the flight was booked so I was not able to get one but there was another flight at 11:35 so it worked out ok. Another bonus was that I was able to fly first class so that was nice. Before I left the ATL for California I received a lot of prayer for just God to move in amazing and abundant ways and he already is including the flight. I left ATL at 11:35 and landed in DFW at about 12:45 with the connecting flight leaving at 1:20 but I made it and was able to get on that flight! But on the flight to Dallas I had an opportunity to share Gods love and word with a man named Steve. My guess he was about 46 years old he had a son that was a senior in high school a daughter my age and one that just graduated college. The convo started with him just asking why I was going to California then about worship and eventually about miracles I had seen in ATL and Vineyard and Midtown church. Steve goes to the church of the apostles off 75, its that really really big church. I was able to share about miracles and healings and he was so interested about was talking about letting the spirit move during worship and all these things it was amazing! Then started talking about how I feed homeless people and that I just have a heart for the homeless and he asked for directions to little five so that he could feed and hangout with them!!! It was amazing he was so so hungry and it was incredible to see. We talked the whole plane ride it was amazing. I am on the flight right now about an hour and half away from landing. I am pumped to see what God is going to do and how is he going to use me. Prayers are amazing right now I just need peace and wisdom. Thank you for everyone’s encouraging thoughts, love to all!

1 comment:

  1. i wish you could see the smile on my face right now.
    i'm so pumped for what jesus is doing in and through you.

    i love and miss you!
    video chat soon!
